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Maybe If We Ask Please…

Michael Davis
2 min readOct 14, 2020

I see the problem.

No one has yet to ask with a “please.”

So I will.

Please, Senate Republicans. Please make it stop.

Please say you recognize that seven out of 10 Americans distrust what we are being told about the pandemic.

Please talk about the 210,000-plus dead, and stop treating them like a statistic to ignore.

Please acknowledge that COVID-19 has spread through the White House unabated, and that it is a sign of recklessness and ignorance.

Please speak the truth about a president berating his cabinet for not indicting his political adversaries. That’s what dictators do, and you know it.

Please find your courage and rebuke a desperate despot trying to inflame white supremacists. They pose a clear and present danger.

Please review the oath of honor you swore to uphold.

Please take that which you profess in a pew on Sundays on apply it to your work on Mondays. If you do, we can emerge from this dark place in which we find ourselves. You helped drive us there.

Please remind yourself and others that words matter.

Please admit that you live in a bubble, and that what is acceptable behavior in the District of Columbia is not how the rest of us live. Attacking people for a living is not a godly pursuit. It’s beneath contempt, actually.

Please stop searching for the lowest common denominator. You found it.

Please check your reflection in the shaving mirror — or makeup mirror. Has that person looking back at you come to fear the President of the United States instead of respect him?

Please spend an hour reading Trump’s tweets. Are these the words of a rational human being? A legitimate graduate of the University of Pennsylvania? A CEO? Or are they hourly evidence of an immature, insecure, and damaged human being?

Please acknowledge that Trump is Vladimir Putin’s lapdog.

Please admit your part in separating children from their parents at the border — and justifying it.

Please consult history, going back to the fall of the Roman Empire.

Please save our democracy.

Please hear your conscience.

Please act.

On behalf of millions of Americans, I’m begging you.



Michael Davis

Michael Davis oversees newsroom practice change in the American South for Solutions Journalism Network.